The other night, I peeked in on Harrison, who was engrossed in his book. I loved how he was bathed in soft light, nestled in the the dark room.
While my photo is relatively straightforward, Melody's leaves everything up to the viewer. The girl in the door: is she entering or exiting? Where is she going? I could create multiple narratives for this photo.
Show us your photo stories today: what do your diptychs have to tell us?

And now for a fun update: you may have noticed something new on my sidebar. Leah, a.k.a. Killlashandra, was kind enough to design a button for Team-Up Thursday. If you'd like the code to post the button on your own blog, zip over to her place and grab it. I'm just not good with the coding business yet, so I'm lucky Leah offered her expertise. Thanks for the great button, Leah!
Remember to upload to our flickr pool as well as to your blog. If you are new this week, welcome -- if you need a partner, just drop me a line at I know there are a couple of people in partner limbo; don't despair, I haven't forgotten you :).
Ooooo....this one would be a little difficult for me, but I love how you both portayed it. I am taken by both the b/w of yours and the warms tones in Melody's. Great job Gals.
Christina and I chose the theme "Words
You gals both captured a difficult theme SO well! Darkness often has negative conotations, but both of theme images leave me feeling peace and comfort. Nicely done!
As Jo said above - we did WORDS this week!
Dark was our theme. Megan, love how you little man looks likes he's studying for the bar. You picked up so much detail in one dark shot.
Your dark photo makes me want to try my hand at night shooting, something I usually avoid like the plague. :) I think this theme showcases the talent you and Melody share.
Here's mine/ours for the week:
I love how these turned out. DARK would be a tough theme. Amy Craft went with 'chilled':
Awesome job. That is a challenging one and you guys nailed it. Cara and I are joining in this week.
how very cool. gosh i love that!
i love the FEEL of yall's photos.
both photos speak volumes.
really great!
here is mine/ours...
I love how this comes together. Anna and I also used dark as our theme.
I just said on Mel's blog how much I loved that the photos work together perfectly - and in yours it looks like N. is actually standing in the doorway looking at Harrison! You both did an amazing job capturing is a hard one!
Mine and Kimberly's is up, too.
I love both photo's. I have a really hard time with dark photo's like that.
Jen and I team up and here is ours.
So cool! Both of them are fantastic, gosh...this challenge is so fun. I can't decide if I like posting mine and sharing or seeing what everyone else came up with more!
Here's ours (me and Mandy)
PS-I have been trying with the button but the pic won't come up! Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong?
WOW! these are both so stunning. great job! I am soooo thinking I need to grab a partner and join up!
Do you plan on having a link up page? I would love to easily see everyone's posts.
You both captured such great lighting.
beautiful shots!
we took on dark too...
Those are really amazing "dark" shots. You got such precision with what I assume was a slow speed? Love them both!
I am loving everyone's images. This was a tough one, but somehow, my partner and I came up with the same subject to portray our DARK. What are the odds?
what a great theme...and both shots are fabulous. the mystery in the 1st one really draws you in and the 2nd is such a great capture of concentration!
carissa already mentioned our "fly" theme! i'm having so much fun with this!
Love both your interpretations of dark. Wonderful! Yes, photography dark would be a challenge, but that is what this is about right? A challenge!
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