Whew...now on to this week:

Melody and I did FROM LYING DOWN this week, and this may be our most intriguing dip yet. I think it would be difficult to guess the theme simply from looking at our photos. It took me most of the week to realize that I did not, in fact, have to be lying on my back to grab a shot. I do have a front side as well...who knew;)?
Tuesday evening found me lying, stomach to the ground, on wet grass trying to capture a row of squirrelly t-ballers as they waited not-so-patiently for their turns at bat. I loved how their legs dangled above the ground, and how the sun offered that little flare to enliven the scene even further.
In contrast, Melody's gorgeous shot is so simple, so minimalist. Somehow it manages to balance out the chaos in my shot very nicely.
What do you and your partner have in store for us this week?
p.s. remember that even if you are just posting to the flickr pool, post a link here in comments so that everyone checks out your dip.
Love it.
It almost seems like the purple flower is causing the lens flare in yours.
I think we are postponing.
Funny....I had no idea you guys were doing this theme when I suggested a "down low point of view" to Christina. What a coincidence!
I am in love with Melody's flower and your back view sunflare is wonderful. Love how you didnt even think to lay on your stomach at first. Total brain blart huh? :0)
As I said, Christina and I did Down Low this week.
Love your photos - the simplicity and color of the flower is just great! Thank goodness for spring, ha! Can't believe 'someone in this world' is playing ball - we had a snow blizzard yesterday AND that's why these two photos are so great and refreshing. Love the sun flare on the BB photo - just great, you guys!
Corey and I did "HOME". Come by our HOME for a visit, love to have you!
love love love this set. GREAT theme. :) the DOF on that first shot....is totally great. Love that you can't really see the stem.
and...I'm a huge fan of sunflare....and the dangling feet....priceless...
Berta and I did Home. :)
Whoa! You guys so rocked it. These are both faaaabulous. Suich sweet simplicity and clarity in Melody's, and that sunflare combined with little boys legs at the ballgame is perfection. Whoa!
Jo and I did down low...before we even knew your theme for the week!
Love it! Lens flare and DOF, two of my favorite things. I was thinking of a "back" shot. but never got out there that way! Although we also got down low!
This is a lovely pairing. I adore those impatient legs, and the lighting is amazing. We also did down low
Our first Team Up Thursday
I love the flare! Like you said the simplicity of Melodies in contrast to yours really does balance it.
Jen and I picked the same theme this week, grounded.
I really look forward to Thursdays!
Love the flare in your shot! What a neat moment captured. I got wet in my egg shot last week too lol :) The flower is simply gorgeous. You both are so great at this!
Angie and I went along with you guys this week with From Lying Down. Take care!
I am seriously impressed. The numbers tripping down from 10 to 7, the dangling feet, and then that gorgeous flare of sunlight... Gorgeous!
Carrie and I did Spring this week.
LOVE your shot, Megan. That's actually more like what I had in mind for mine. The sun and the feet and the whole feel of it. I guess you're at the baseball a field a lot these days, huh?
Here's mine for From Lying Down.
The purple flower is a bit surreal. And I love the sun flare and the dangling legs.
Here's our take on From Lying Down:
"from lying down"... oh i love that!
AND... wow!
those are "ohhhh wow" shots!
intriguing for sure.
i could imagine yall their "under" capturing those shots. :O)
just love the perspective... that "under" feel.
great theme idea! GREAT!
our dip.
we did...
We did ViNTAGE today! Feel free to stop by.
I love both of your shots...so different from one another and yet so beautiful in their own way.
Thanks for saying there's no rules..love that!!
Nice! Love how you captured the sunlight. What a fun shot of time spent at a game. Wish there had been more people at the husband's baseball game on Sunday maybe I could've got some dangling feet too. ;)
I like the contrast between both shots and how Melody's shadow seems to lead straight down into your shot. Very cool.
Mary and I took a try at lying down this week too. Although it didn't work quite as planned.
I love that the numbers on the uniforms are in descending order. What a cool coincidence. The sunflare makes the shot though. Love it. Melody's shot is so delicate. The two shots contrast each other well.
Here's our shot this week:
The View From Here
AMAZING shots!!! my partner and I joined in on the fun with you today! we are so excited!
love this theme you guys!
might have to borrow that one:)
my smallest guy is starting t-ball soon...can't wait...so much cuteness and fun. these shots are so different, yet work so well together...really enjoy the contrast of these 2!!! xox
Wait! Was that planned??! The numbers from 10 to 7? Just read Kimberly's comment and didn't notice that before. Coolio.
I had it stuck in my head that I had to be on my back for this week too. How funny. I love the sun flare - amazing. The flower is superb too.
Here is mine with Stacy:
I thought you had the boys line up in order of the numbers on their backs! Such a great contrast of pictures.
Lee and I each chose a Favourite Chore.
You totally hit this one out of the park, M! (Ha!)
The dangling legs just kills me and the gorgeous light!
We threw together Spring for today - but I totally want to try lying down sometime soon!
There is almost a yin and a yang feel to these two shots. I think it's the difference that make them so cool together!
We got ours up at the eleventh hour! I is for Ice Cream
Hahaha. Sorry I freaked out over the 'rules' thing. Guess I must have a bit of a guilt complex too huh? Now, for your dip....niiiiiice. Totally different but linked by the flare!
Great shots! I really like how they are so different, but yet fit into the theme. You're right....I don't think I could guess the theme from looking at these. The contrast of colors in Melody's wonderful and I just love your flare!
Better late than never, right? Awesome Thursday shots you two. Love both of them! Megan, yours so much to love, Flare is awesome, give so much to the photo, kids on bench, and their numbers are perfectly numbered side by side, and those dangling feet! So love seeing you two shots each week!
We did Spring!
True signs of Spring!!!
Happy Weekend!
love both of these shots. The flower one, simple,and beautiful. The boys on the bench, I love it when different angles are captured of children. Fantastic.
Shari and I chose water for our theme.
Shari's blog.
Deanna's blog
Stunning! What a great idea, and executed to perfection...
I love the one foot firmly planted and the rest free-floating.
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