"Yes, we have no bananas....we have no bananas today!"

Apparently, Melody and I are both partial to that funny yellow fruit. Melody's bananas do look a bit more natural than mine. Mine suffer from grocery store lighting. I got a few very odd looks in the produce section while trying to find the most photogenic side of the fruit. I wonder how many other banana pics we'll see in the pool today?
On a side note, I won't be commenting on anyone's diptychs until after the weekend. Not that you wait around for my comments, but just in case anyone wonders. I'm off for my annual girls' weekend -- yippee! I promise I'll be looking at everyone's creations on Monday:).
P.S. If you are new here, just jump in and join the fun -- you don't even need an invitation. If you need a partner, email me: monamegs@hotmail.com
Great pics! I burst out laughing when I saw the bananas. Chalk another picture taker up to the same idea :)
And the song! Get serious. It was what I heard while taking my shot, too. Yes there were 30,000 lbs of MASHED BANANAS! lmao....
I LOVE your bananas - and yes, people would give you the suspicious eye setting up your shot - been there, done that!!!! Very funny! Two GREAT angles - love your perspectives!
Corey and I did REFLECTION for our theme.
Thanks! I will be going to bed tonight singing that song! :0) I love both the different lines and angles that you chose to take the pictures.
Christina and I did Simplicity.
Ooooh, girls weekend! Have fun!
I feel like I'm seeing double. FUN that you both chose bananas! Same subject, but very different photos.
Here's mine and Jo's: Simplicity
That's so cool that you both chose b-a-n-a-n-a-s but such different angles. I teamed up with Mandy this week for Earth. Going to try and visit all that I can this week...hope you have an awesome girls weekend!! :)
Love the bananas - Rose and I also did fruit, and both chose apples!
Great shots. I love the totally different perspective.
I know what you mean about the odd looks in the grocery store and then there are the looks from my family LOL
That is awesome that you guys both did bananas. I love both photos.
Have a FABULOUS girls weekend. I am soo jealous :)
I'm not jealous at all that you are going on another beach trip. ;p Know you gals will be goings lots BANANAS this weekend.
Now I see what you two monkeys, uh, I mean "ladies", have been up to this week. ;) That's a lovely "bunch" of photos. (Somebody stop me!)
We have some blue skies to share today.
How fun is this? My partner has bananas too...Have fun on your girls' trip!
yes... i agree... love the angel of your shot megan!
all lined up... ready to be grabbed!
and of course melody... great up close & personal
woth the bananas. love... LOVE that magenta marking
on that one... so neat!
thanks again for the fun yall!
bucket loads full of inspiration in this group.
jaw dropping goodness!
we did
I love that you two both chose bananas, but both had two different perspectives. So very cool.
Cara and I chose Rain this week.
It's so cool that two people can have such different takes on the same subject matter. I love the center focus on the second, and love that the first is such a different angle than the second, and different color. Dawn and I chose earth this week. Have a fun weekend!
Hey, I did bananas too - kind of :)
You all are braver than I am to go to the store to take pictures. Although, I am thinking about going to a garden center today to get an image.
LOVE that you both chose the banana! And I like the two very differetn views on it. I really like the angle of yours...
We went with sky as our theme this week.
That awesome that you both pick banana's as your fruit. I would have either done that or apple since those are my boys favorites.
Jen and I did a Rain/Water theme this week.
BTW, we did FRUIT as well this week.
We did fruit too, apples!
Like you, I can't comment until later.
I have NO brain cells left in my head, as all my thoughts about your diptych were just that - thoughts! Duh! I love both your views of the bananas and I love bananas! The two images work well so together!
The idea of going into the grocery store to snap a picture did cross my mind. Again, a thought that didn't become an action. Oh well.
Totally Bananas! Yellow is such a great color, it's no wonder you were drawn to it!
Here is K is for Kite!
Nice bananas. :) I like the different angles of both of them.
Well this week Marty and my FRUIT too a different take.
Love the bananas. Cool theme idea...fruit. Will have to keep this in mind for a future dip.
Shari and I went with the theme of Rule of Thirds. You can visit our blogs to see how it turned out. :)
Shari's blog.
Deanna's blog
Now I do have a tune wedgie! Those bananas are very photogenic. I think it says a lot that you picked the same fruit!
Lee and I chose Outdoor Sports this week.
reneejphotos and I did "life" this week: http://bit.ly/awapCL . I really enjoyed looking throught this week's diptychs! This group keeps me thinking all week. :)
Ours are here.
Love the concept.
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Actually, I was singing DAYO!! :)
My 16 month old son is so into everything bananas right now, so these pics put a smile on both of our faces!
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