Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Ugly Sweater Party

What better way to ring in the holidays than to wear an ugly holiday sweater? So we had a party. And everyone wore their holiday finery. And it was ugly!


The photo doesn't do some of these outfits justice. Trust me, there were zebra print Santas, furry stripes, teddy bears holding the American flag skiing past a Christmas tree (that was mine), silky Santa boxers, and oh so much more.

It was a lot of fun.

One of the highlights was the Ugly Sweater Gingerbread Contest. People REALLY got into it:


Guests unleashed their inner Picassos and Rembrandts on this project, let me tell you!

Prizes were awarded for Best Sweater and Best Gingerbreadman/woman. I brought the boys downstairs to judge so I wouldn't be accused of fixing the contest.

Unfortunately, I didn't get many photos. It's hard to be host and photographer simultaneously.

It sure was a great way to kick off December. I'm already thinking about doing it again next year.



Michelle G said...

what a cute cute idea with some UGLY UGLY sweaters :) I have seen some that get a full cringe when shopping at Goodwill etc.!! I think I'm gonna start planning on next year! :)
Thanks for sharing!

Arizaphale said...

That is the best idea!! I personally love the gentleman on the lower left with his pink cardigan...

Kayla said...

Great read thannkyou